ISBN: 9781423496144
Author: Douglas Baldwin
Chords are the foundation of almost all of Western music, and the most common function of the guitar is as an accompaniment instrument. But sooner or later, curiosity or necessity leads us to try to understand chords a little better. How are chords put together? How did they get these weird names? Why do some chords sound “good” and some sound “bad”? This book will help you figure it all out! You'll explore: the first steps in chord theory and practice; moveable chord shapes: barre chords and triads; the '5' chord; color notes; extended chords: 9th, 11th, 13th and altered chords; and more. The audio includes demos of the chords discussed in the book. The audio is accessed online using the unique code inside each book and can be streamed or downloaded.
Format: Softcover Audio Online - TAB
372 pages
Collections: Books, Books Music, In Store Now
Type: Book